academy clr

I am looking for a platform to educate HCPs about my product.

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academy clr
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I am looking for a platform to educate Health Care
Professionals about my product.

We offer Health Care Professionals the platform to expand their knowledge on various products and therapeutic areas with the X/procure Academy Mobile App.

Directly engage, educate and drive sales with Health Care Professionals in the form of interactive training courses on their smart phones.

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X/procure Academy offers a variety of ways for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers to provide training to Health Care Professionals on their mobile device:

Category Exclusivity & Product Training

Interactive category & product training i.e video learning, multiple choice question, drag & drops puzzles.


Product Training

Product training that boosts learners knowledge about your brand.

CPD Training

Category training that offers HCPs the opportunity to earn CPD certification.

Weekly "General Knowledge Pop Quiz"

Product related Q&A's pop quiz that enhances learners knowledge retention about your product.

Broadcast Messaging

Broadcast urgent messages to Pharmacy Staff, share new product lauches and share company or product changes

Survey Research

Gather data from the Healthcare Industry about various products and disease entity


Let’s EDUCATE together!

    Head Office
    15 Fredman Drive, Sandown, 2031

    Contact Number
    +27 10 300 5200


    Cape Town Office
    The Reserve 3, Unit 21, Corner Kruispad & Capricorn Way, Brackenfell, 7560

    Contact Number
    +27 21 442 1122


    Email Us:
    [email protected]

    X/procure Academy offers a variety of ways for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

    to provide training to Health Care Professionals on their mobile device:

    Category Exclusivity

    & Product Training



    Interactive category & product training i.e video learning, multiple choice question, drag & drops puzzles.


    Product Training



    Product training that boosts learners knowledge about your brand.

    CPD Training



    Category training that offers HCPs the opportunity to earn CPD certification.

    Weekly "General Knowledge Pop Quiz"



    Product related Q&A's pop quiz that enhances learners knowledge retention about your product.



    Broadcast urgent messages to Pharmacy Staff, share new product lauches and share company or product changes

    Survey Research

    Gather data from the Healthcare Industry about various products and disease entity


    Let’s EDUCATE together!

    Head Office
    15 Fredman Drive, Sandown, 2031

    Contact Number
    +27 10 300 5200


    Cape Town Office
    The Reserve 3, Unit 21, Corner Kruispad & Capricorn Way, Brackenfell, 7560

    Contact Number
    +27 21 442 1122


    Email Us:
    [email protected]